Siuslaw River

The Siuslaw River originates southwest of Eugene, Oregon and flows approximately 110 miles through the Oregon Coast Range before entering the Pacific Ocean in Florence. The Siuslaw has one major tributary, Lake Creek, which the lower section of river is usually open for retention of Chinook salmon in the fall and has a decent run of wild steelhead in the winter. The state recently discontinued the hatchery winter steelhead program on Lake Creek, so after 2018, hatchery steelhead will be hard to come by. The wild component of the steelhead run on Lake Creek can provide a decent catch and release fishery with greatly reduced crowds.  

August and September are the peak months for the Chinook troll fishery on the Siuslaw, and it's the main focus for Greg Hedrick's Guide Service during this time.

Fall Chinook & Coho
August 1st - November 30th

Fall Chinook begin to enter the Siuslaw Bay beginning in early August and will stage in the lower river until the fall rains arrive, usually in mid October. Coho begin to arrive shortly after the first big wave of Chinook enter the river and both species will continue to push into the river through the month of November. Before the fish enter the river, the main method for targeting these fish is by trolling herring, anchovies, and spinners in the bay and then switching over to float and eggs as the season progresses and the fish move higher into the tidewater. Once fall rains push the fish into river, the fishery switches primarily to a drift boat show where all the traditional techniques are deployed. 

Techniques Used:

  • Float Fishing
  • Back Bouncing
  • Backtroll Plugs
  • ​Diver & Bait​
  • Trolling (Baits, Spinners, Superbaits)

Winter Steelhead
December 1st - March 31st

Winter Steelhead begin to enter the lower river around Thanksgiving each year with the peak of the run usually between mid-January and mid-February. The Siuslaw has a decent run of hatchery steelhead and below average return of wild steelhead. The bulk of the wild steelhead in the Siuslaw basin return to Lake Creek and its many tributaries, making it a good river for catch and release.  

Techniques Used:

  • Float Fishing
  • Bobber Dogging
  • Backtroll Plugs
  • Hardware (Spinners & Spoons)

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